Cecil Road Primary & Nursery

Assessment at Cecil Road

Assessment at Cecil Road is broken down into two sections: 

- Statutory Assessment (assessment we are instructed to do by the government and have to report)

- Teacher Assessment which informs teachers and senior leaders about how students at Cecil Road are progressing in their education. 

Statutory Assessment

Foundation Stage

From September 2021, children in Reception will complete the baseline assessment: 

  • Children complete the assessment within the first 6 weeks of starting school
  • It is carried out with each child by a teacher and takes 20 minutes per child to complete.
  • Children will take part in a series of practical tasks
  • Staff will record the assessment online and the assessment will adapt depending on the child's responses
  • There is no pass mark 

End of Reception 

At the end of Reception, the teacher will complete the EYFS profile and report the results to you in their annual report.

  • Staff will assess each child against the seventeen Early Learning Goals (ELGs)
  • Children's development will be assessed as: 
    • Expected - working at the level of development expected for their age
    • Emerging - not yet at the level of development for their age
  • The teacher will also give a commentary about how each child demonstrated the characteristics of effective learning:
    • Playing and exploring
    • Active learning
    • Creating and thinking critically

Key Stage 1 

Children in Y1 complete a phonics screening check

  • The phonics check takes place in the summer term in Y1.
  • Children in Y2 who have not taken the test before, or did not meet the expected standard also take the test in the summer term.
  • Parents and carers receive the results of the phonics screening check
  • Information from the phonics screening is used by teachers to support their planning. 
  • The 2022 phonics test materials, which are published on the gov.uk website are attached below. 

Key Stage 2 

  • Children in Y4 complete the multiplication tables check:
    • Children complete the test online in June
    • The check tests knowledge of times tables form 2 to 12
    • There is an emphasis on the 6, 7, 8, 9 and 12 times tables because these are more difficult
    • There are 25 questions
    • The test is on-screen
    • Children have six seconds to answer each question.
    • There are multiple versions of the test - the version each child gets is selected at random.
    • The test should take no longer than five minutes to complete. 
    • We use Times Table Rockstars to help familiarise our children with the multiplication test. The 'soundcheck' area of TTR is a great way of developing times table knowledge. Times Tables Rock Stars – Times Tables Rock Stars (ttrockstars.com). Your child will have their login printed in the cover of their reading record. 
  • Children in Y6 take part in National Curriculum tests (SATs):
    • These take place in May
    • There are tests for:
      • English - grammar, punctuation and spelling
      • English - reading
      • Maths - arithmetic
      • Maths - reasoning x2 
    • Teachers receive scaled scores and confirmation of whether children are
      • Working towards the national standard
      • Working at the national standard
      • Working at greater depth within the national standard
    • These results will be reported to parents and carers. 
    • Teachers will also complete a teacher assessment for English - writing and Science
  • The 2023 SATs, which are published on the gov.uk website are attached below. 

Teacher Assessment 

In YR-Y6, children will be assessed by their teacher throughout the year, using their class work, quizzes and tests. These will help us to track progress and plan to support each child in their learning. 

  • All teachers are aware of the expected curriculum for each year group from YR to Y6
  • Children are assessed in reading, writing and maths three times a year.
  • Children are assessed as working towards, working at the expected standard or working at a greater depth in the expected standard. 
  • This assessment allows us to see where we need to close the gaps in children’s learning to help them meet the expected national standard, putting in place any additional support needed. 
  • This information supports teacher’s planning and children’s learning.
  • To be meeting the expected standard, children should be securely meeting the majority of the expected learning statements for their year group, which are directed by the national curriculum. 
  • Parents and carers are informed of their child's progress within our partnership meetings in the autumn and spring and in each child's end of year report. 
  • Assessment information is then passed on to the next teacher at the end of the summer term to ensure a smooth transition of learning. 

Children with SEN who are not yet able to access their year group’s curriculum will be tracked against learning personalised to meet their needs.  This process will be done in consultation with the SENco - Miss Southgate. 

How does this impact the way our children are taught? 

At Cecil Road, data from assessment is an indicator of the quality of learning and education within our classrooms. As a school, we strive for all children to meet and exceed age-related expectations. We achieve this through a well-designed curriculum that covers and enriches the national curriculum.  

Within the classroom, teachers adapt tasks to ensure that all children are provided with the opportunity and resources needed to achieve the overall learning goal for a lesson, with teachers and teaching assistants on hand to provide extra support when needed. 

Although we pride ourselves on our high statutory assessment results, we are aware that statutory assessment is not a defining characteristic of a child's ability. We enjoy making our teaching as fun and enjoyable as possible for all and love to enrich our learning with additional activities where our children can discover their passions and the subjects they enjoy. 

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