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Cecil Road Primary & Nursery

Nursery for aged 3-4 year olds

Teachers: Mrs N. Simpson and Mrs S. Padmore 

Nursery nurses:  Mrs E McConkey, Miss H Troaks, Mrs S Judge, Mrs S.Bell, Mrs K Brotherwood 

Nursery timings 

Our nursery caters for up to 45 children in each of the morning and afternoon sessions.

Our 15-hour sessions are available to everyone and are either 08.30-11.30am or 12.30-3.30pm.

Our 30-hour sessions which are available to those who are eligible are from 08.30am-2.30pm.

Our 30-hour provision is based on a first come, first served basis. We encourage all parents to contact the school the year before their child turns three to discuss applying to our nursery. 




  • A named school jumper or cardigan with a school top
  • Leggings or jogging bottoms 
  • Velcro trainers or plimsolls
  •  Wellie boots (during the winter months)

Nursery Payment for Extra Sessions

If your child is eligible for funding for 30 hours at our nursery, we can also offer you the facility for your child to remain in school from 2.30pm-3.30pm daily at a cost of £6.00 per day (£30 per week).         

To find out if you are eligible for 30 hours free childcare, please visit: Childcare Choices | 30 Hours Childcare, Tax-Free Childcare and More | Help with Costs | GOV.UK

Notice for change of hours

From 1st September 2025, there will be changes to our 30 hour sessions.

Monday- Friday sessions will be 8:30am-3:30pm (including 60 minute lunch club).

Lunch club is an additional service over and above the funded 30 hour provision.

From 1st September 2025, the cost for lunch club will be £6 per day, plus the cost of a school lunch if required (the school lunch is chargeable per day). A packed lunch can be brought from home if preferred.

Should you wish to collect your child at 11:30am and return them back to Nursery at 12:30pm, then this will avoid the lunch club charge.

If you choose to pay for extra hours this must be paid a term in advance and a term’s notice should be given if this is no longer required. You can use childcare vouchers to make payment

Tax-Free Childcare | Childcare Choices.


The building and outside area are designed specifically for young children. We aim to provide a caring, safe, stimulating and structured environment in which your child can learn.


We have an experienced team of qualified staff which includes a teacher, nursery nurses and teaching assistants. Some of our staff members are bilingual, helping to support the use of home languages within our nursery setting.

If you have any queries or questions please don't hesitate to contact our Nursery team on 01474 534544 or email them on