Cecil Road Primary & Nursery


Subject Leader: Mrs A. Cornwell


At Cecil Road, we believe that Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) enables our children to become healthy, safe, independent and responsible members of society. It aims to help them understand how they are developing personally and socially and tackles many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up. We are dedicated to ensuring that Cecil Road is a happy, enriching, and caring place, and we expect high standards of behaviour and good manners throughout the school.


At Cecil Road we will be following the PSHE association programme of study which covers everything that primary schools should teach for relationships and health education, including puberty.  The curriculum is sequenced as a spiral programme that builds on prior learning.  The national curriculum for science also includes subject content in related areas, such as the main external body parts, the human body as it grows from birth to old age (including puberty) and reproduction in some plants and animals.  We have decided not to teach any additional sex education as this is not a statutory requirement. 

We use a question-based model, each term there is an overarching question in Key stage 1. This starts with ‘What?’ and ‘who?’ and develops to ‘Why?’ and ‘How?’ in Key stage 2.

There are three core themes, which are:

  • Health and well-being
  • Relationships
  • Living in the wider world

We have developed the curriculum in consultation with parents, pupils and staff, taking into account the age, needs and feelings of pupils. If pupils ask questions outside the scope of this policy, teachers will respond in an appropriate manner so they are fully informed and don’t seek answers online.

We encourage our children to take part in a range of practical roles and activities that promote active citizenship: we have school council members from each class, whole school fundraising and engagement in school and local events. Children have opportunities to meet and work with members of the community, such as secondary school pupils and teachers, artists, authors, representatives from the local church. We participate in and promote national events such as Anti-Bullying Week and Mental Health week, as well as supporting the NSPCC, Children in Need and Comic Relief.


As a result, our children form happy and positive relationships. They can show co-operation and compassion to others. They have the courage to make the most of their abilities but also value and respect diversity. Children at Cecil Road show respect for others’ rights to their own values and beliefs.

Please follow this link for additional information:

Parents Guide to Relationships & Sex Education in Primary School (fpa.org.uk)