Teachers: Miss D. Hope and Mrs C. Rock
Nursery Nurses: Miss McKee
Support Staff: Mrs Reeves and Mrs K. Brotherwood
In Reception Year we strive to have happy, curious, independent children, who can challenge themselves and have a real thirst for knowledge and a love of learning.
We teach the Early Years Curriculum through a range of exciting and engaging texts and topics, with the Early Learning Goals supporting the framework of our curriculum. Our day consists of both child-initiated and adult-led learning. We think about children’s interests when planning to ensure our children are excited and motivated to learn. Through careful questioning and observation, our staff ensure children are challenged and develop a love of school and of learning.
Our learning environment is:
- Welcoming and stimulating
- Reflective of the children and their families
- Supportive in developing appropriate behaviour
- Provide high levels of well-being and involvement
- Safe
Outdoor learning:
Our reception children are encouraged to access the outdoor environment throughout the day. The outdoor learning environment is updated regularly based on the children's learning to help enrich and follow the individual child's next steps. Our outside space is split into different areas of learning which are planned for by EYFS teachers.
- Maths
- Literacy
- Role play
- Physical area
- Mud kitchen
- Growing area
Developing early reading
In Reception, we use Read Write Inc to teach phonics and early reading. We encourage our children to practise their red words and speed sounds at home. Activities are set up that follow from our classroom sessions to allow for continuous learning. These stations are planed for and adapted based on the children's need and learning next steps.
Developing early maths
Maths in reception focusses on the understanding of number through:
- Correspondence between numbers and physical objects or sound such as clapping
- Subitising (recognising number value without counting)
- Application of numbers in the 'real world'
- Number formation
- Introduction of subtraction and addition
- Number bonds to 10 with challenge where applicable
- Shape terminology and recognition of 2D and 3D shapes
- Doubling
As with our early reading and literacy, maths activities are then set up in our continuous learning areas to enhance learning opportunities and provide challenge.
We use ClassDojo as a means of communicating with parents and recording observations within each child’s profile.