Well Being at Cecil Road
At Cecil Road Primary & Nursery School, we recognise that a child’s emotional health and wellbeing influences their cognitive development and learning, as well as their physical and social health and their mental wellbeing in adulthood.
We work hard to ensure that our children and their families are well and happy members of our community.
We aim to:
• Listen
• Encourage
• Help
• Support
• Care
• Talk
• Be interested
• Be role models
• Be professional friends
• Signpost
A member of the Wellbeing Team is on duty in the playground every morning and afternoon. If there is anything you are worried about, feel free to approach any of the team.
Our Well Being Lead is Hannah Day
We are very proud of the two awards we hold for our commitment to emotional well-being:

‘The Kent Award for Resilience and Emotional Wellbeing awarded in 2023. Is in recognition of a school and/or community settings’ commitment to developing their whole school approach to emotional wellbeing. The Award was given by Kent County Council and The National Lottery Community Fund. School Resilience Toolkit - Kent Resilience Hub
The Nurture UK Award - awarded in 2025 is an award that recognises our commitment to supporting our children’s social skills, confidence and self-esteem, ensuring they are ready to learn. We do this through The Six Principles of Nurture:
- Safety
- Transitions
- Wellbeing
- Learning
- Language
- Behaviour
Quotes from our school community during our assessment day:
- The staff are amazing. They are so hands-on. (parent)
- It's such a lovely school to be a part of. (parent)
- They have taken the whole family into consideration. (parent)
- They are so accommodating. We make decisions together. (parent)
- The children feel safe because we have consistent routines. (support staff)
- The teachers make it easy to learn. (children)
- We can learn in our own time and in our own space. (children)
- We have so many choices in the playground. It is great. (children)