Cecil Road Primary & Nursery

Year 4

Teachers: Mr O. Thatcher and Mrs C. Somers

Support Staff: Mrs Gray-Woollcott, Mrs Champion and Mr Gill 

Year Four is full of exciting topics and learning! Throughout the year we focus on descriptive writing using increasingly complex sentences including fronted adverbials. We explore a variety of texts to inspire our writing. In art, we will be experimenting with different techniques such as printing, sculpture, painting and drawing. We will bake and design slingshot cars in DT. Our science is filled with fascinating topics like electricity, sound and animals. Our digestive system experiment is legendary! In history we learn about the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings, and in geography we learn about where our food comes from and about rivers, which includes an exciting trip to Horton Kirby. There are other enriching learning opportunities in RE and PSHE plus all the wonderful whole school events throughout the year.

We have whole class guided reading sessions where we explore books in detail and develop our retrieval and inference skills. Children have a huge range of books to explore and read at home, and can change their books once they have completed the accelerated reader quiz.

In year 4 we learn all our times tables and have a Multiplication Check at the end of the year. TTRockstars is a wonderful tool to help practise. After initial work on place value and calculations we also learn about area and perimeter, fractions, decimals, money, time and statistics.

For homework, children are encouraged to read daily at home. Maths and English homework will be through Doodle. This is an online app/website.  

Times Tables Rock Stars – Times Tables Rock Stars (ttrockstars.com)

Homepage | DoodleLearning

More information about our Year Four curriculum for individual subjects can be found on our curriculum pages and in our termly Learning Letters, links to which are included below.